Monday, January 21, 2008

3 things

The 3 things I value most in life are

Family-My family is always there for me. When I am down and out they are there for me. I can trust some of my family with my life. If I ever need advice there they are. I also concider my best friends family. Its like I can never do anything bad enough for them to hate me. Me and some of my family are so close. I will always have memories and good times when I am around them. If I didnt have family I would live my life bad so they keep me level headed. If you ever look at me closely, you will see i have writings on me. Some stand for family and friends. I always love to talk about my family. Just ask Anna.

Skateboarding-To me skateboarding is more than a sport, its a lifestyle. Skateboarding helps me blow off steam and its kinda a friend to me. The way you feel when you land a new trick, its preety cool. I hope that people dont label skateboarders because of how they act and dress. If you get to know them, there ok kids. One day i am going to take my skills to the next level. I am already sponsored but I wont to go pro and not stoppig untill I do. The only thing that will slow me down is an injury. I like everything about it. I feel like supaman when I am riding it. I talk about it allthe time, wear the clothes, the shoes, even the attitude.

My Hair-I love my hair. I hate when my dad mekes me get it cut. Everybody always picks on me because its long but they will see how long it is after summer break. I wash and condition my hair everyday. I brush it like every hour to. I wish people would stop saying stuff about it because I love it. One day I wont it to be black. Dont pick on the hair.