Monday, December 10, 2007


Music is my life.There are a lot of types of music. The best types of life. Its my best friends at time and its my worst friends at time. music to me are rock, rap, and hip-hop. The best song in the world is life is beautiful by sixx am. Music can motivate you to do thinks you normally woundnt do. Trust me. Music is like a brainwashing machine. Never judge a type of music by one song your hear and dont like. I cant live without it. Music is like my best friend, I go to it with all my problems, it gives me an answer. Music determins the mood im in. Rock gets me in a crazy mood. Rap gets me pumped up for a game kinda like an energy drink. Hip-hop puts me in a relaxing, laid back mood. I have a song for everything that happens in life. My soul needs music like your stomach needs food and water. Everybody in the world plays a type of music if you think about it. Some people hum and kids play desk drumbs. Some music gets me in trouble because its bad for my ears my mom says. Im a music hunter. I think that everbody has a song that relates to your life but if you dont, let me know and i will find you one. Some people only listen to the beat in music. The beat is ok but its not what makes the song. If you listen to the words then you might understand that pearson or band! Inless its screaming music then just dont try because you cant understand them. Music = life. Its better if you listen to music loud than low. Evem if you have bad heraing when you get old. Dont listen to it to loud around cops because they will pull you iver and slap a ticket on you. If you want to pass the time then listen to music and it will fly buy. Some people use it to survive airplanes and long car rides. Music adds meaning to our lives and insperation. MUSIC ROCKS OUT LOUD?!?!?!?!?!


Anonymous said...

Hey you have alot of misspelled words.Cheek over them and I don't have a song that relates to me so comment me on my blog and tell me one.Kay?

nancy said...

I think you're so right. Music is awesome and you can't judge the whole genre by one song either. I think you wrote this really well. I have so many songs that relate to me that I don't know where to start.

Anonymous said...

This is a really good blog. Wouldn't is spelled like that and not like woundnt. I was just telling you that so you can change it before Mrs. CHapman counts off. I have a song that relates to me also. I don't think I could live without music either. I love it too.

Anonymous said...

James is that you? You silly bastid. I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire either, buttercup.