Friday, March 23, 2007

A Time to Kill

I have just finished reading a book called A Time to Kill. It dosent matter who you are, you should read this book. This book is about a man, Carl Lee Haliey, a black male whose daughter gets raped. The boys who raped the girl are two rednecks. When they have a court metting, Carl Lee Hailey shoots both of the men.The trial about the shootings is in Mississippi, with an all white jury. Carl Lee hires Jake to be his lawyer.To make a long stor short, Jake finds a miraculous way to win the case and get Carl Lee no jail time. Think about it, this is like if someone robbed you with a gun and they were about to shoot you, but you shot them first. If you had a daughter who just go t raped and can't have kids ever, what would you do? I would kill the two men. Some people dont think its right, but I would do it.LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS ON WHAT YOU WOULD DO.


Anonymous said...

i would do the same! why did you spoil the ending for everyone?but its not like i would read it anywho.

Jennifer said...

The question you need to ask yourself is what would you do if it was one of your relatives - let's say a brother or very close cousin- who did the raping and then was murdered. Would you be happy that he was killed? If everyone took the law into his own hands, what kind of society would we be living in? I'm not saying I don't agree with you or what Carl Lee did. I just want you to think about it from all sides.

Too much plot summary. I've read the book, and like one person said, you've spoiled it for other readers. I want to read how the book affected you.

Mrs. C