Monday, April 2, 2007

I just finished reading this book SLAM. This book is about a kid named Greg(A.K.A. Slam). This kid is an awsome basketball player. One of the best there is, on the basketball court. In school he is not that great. He made a 740 on his S.A.T. The book affected me alot. If you dont study or pay attention in class and do homework, it dosen't matter how good you are at sports, you got to proform in the classroom. So instead of pratcing 2 hours a day, i'm gonna pratice 1 and do schoolwork for the other hour. In the book, Slam also found out that his best friend Ice is a drug dealer. So, he has a complicated life trieing to juggle friends, basketball, schoolwork. He just picks the rong one to leave out.


Anonymous said...

this is good.buttttt,he picked the wrong friend,you forgot the w in wrong..Mrs.Chapman can correct the rest..Mrs.Chapman's mom

Jennifer said...

I'm glad that you learned something from this book. Maybe hearing/reading about it instead of the teachers all the time is what's needed.

You have, as my mom pointed out, several grammatical mistakes. Not capitalizing your I's; a lot is two words, not one; perform is misspelled as is trying; you should know, since we learned it this year, which numbers that need to be spelled out in words.