Monday, December 10, 2007


Music is my life.There are a lot of types of music. The best types of life. Its my best friends at time and its my worst friends at time. music to me are rock, rap, and hip-hop. The best song in the world is life is beautiful by sixx am. Music can motivate you to do thinks you normally woundnt do. Trust me. Music is like a brainwashing machine. Never judge a type of music by one song your hear and dont like. I cant live without it. Music is like my best friend, I go to it with all my problems, it gives me an answer. Music determins the mood im in. Rock gets me in a crazy mood. Rap gets me pumped up for a game kinda like an energy drink. Hip-hop puts me in a relaxing, laid back mood. I have a song for everything that happens in life. My soul needs music like your stomach needs food and water. Everybody in the world plays a type of music if you think about it. Some people hum and kids play desk drumbs. Some music gets me in trouble because its bad for my ears my mom says. Im a music hunter. I think that everbody has a song that relates to your life but if you dont, let me know and i will find you one. Some people only listen to the beat in music. The beat is ok but its not what makes the song. If you listen to the words then you might understand that pearson or band! Inless its screaming music then just dont try because you cant understand them. Music = life. Its better if you listen to music loud than low. Evem if you have bad heraing when you get old. Dont listen to it to loud around cops because they will pull you iver and slap a ticket on you. If you want to pass the time then listen to music and it will fly buy. Some people use it to survive airplanes and long car rides. Music adds meaning to our lives and insperation. MUSIC ROCKS OUT LOUD?!?!?!?!?!

Friday, August 24, 2007


Thursday, April 26, 2007


Baseball is not just a sport or game. It is a passion for me. I am a pitcher in Rec ball so when I strike somebody out, it makes me feel like something really important. The feel of playing is just great. Its a really fun sport no matter you win or lose people say. I think thats a lie. When we lose a game i don't have fun. Its fun when you win but not when you lose. We haven't lost a game yet, we as in the phillies are 5-0. The crowd helps me alot in the game by cheering me on when i do something good. Its one of my favorite sports,{passion}.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The client

I read this book called THE CLIENT. The book is about a kid and his brother who witness a murder. They were sneaking out of their house to smoke. The kids aren't but 11 to 12 years old. The little kid goes into shock. I would tell more about the book but I don't want to make a plot summary. The book taught me a lesson by if you dont do anything bad, nothing bad will happen to you. If they wouldn't have been smoking, the little kid wouldn't have went into shock. It's saying that don't do things your not suppost to do. You will get caught in a way. Maybe not by your parents but by God.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mrs. Chapman

Mrs Chapman. She is an awsome pearson to know. She does really fun activites with all the classes. But, she can be strict. VERY STRICT! But, its for the best of us to prepare us for Highschool. She shows alot of support by coming out to our games. The things i would change about her is her strictness. Everything else about her is good. She has a loving pearsonallity, she is always encouraging you to do your best, and she never gives up on you. She is unlike most of our teachers because if you forgot to turn something in, no problem, she will except it late but count of points. Her ideas for helping us learn are great. If she has favorites, they are hard to tell beacause she treats everybody equal. THATS MRS.CHAPMAN

Monday, April 2, 2007

I just finished reading this book SLAM. This book is about a kid named Greg(A.K.A. Slam). This kid is an awsome basketball player. One of the best there is, on the basketball court. In school he is not that great. He made a 740 on his S.A.T. The book affected me alot. If you dont study or pay attention in class and do homework, it dosen't matter how good you are at sports, you got to proform in the classroom. So instead of pratcing 2 hours a day, i'm gonna pratice 1 and do schoolwork for the other hour. In the book, Slam also found out that his best friend Ice is a drug dealer. So, he has a complicated life trieing to juggle friends, basketball, schoolwork. He just picks the rong one to leave out.

Friday, March 23, 2007

A Time to Kill

I have just finished reading a book called A Time to Kill. It dosent matter who you are, you should read this book. This book is about a man, Carl Lee Haliey, a black male whose daughter gets raped. The boys who raped the girl are two rednecks. When they have a court metting, Carl Lee Hailey shoots both of the men.The trial about the shootings is in Mississippi, with an all white jury. Carl Lee hires Jake to be his lawyer.To make a long stor short, Jake finds a miraculous way to win the case and get Carl Lee no jail time. Think about it, this is like if someone robbed you with a gun and they were about to shoot you, but you shot them first. If you had a daughter who just go t raped and can't have kids ever, what would you do? I would kill the two men. Some people dont think its right, but I would do it.LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS ON WHAT YOU WOULD DO.

Friday, March 9, 2007

The movies

The movies we watched were sad. The way the people treated the jews was crazy. Locking the jews in chambers, creamating them alive. Whan the jews were told by the nazies that they cold take a bath, the nazies would fill the chamber with gas. The way they feeded them was terrible. They would also lock the jews in railroad cars, just because they were diffrent

The service hours

The service hour idea was crazy. It was not fun at all. My parents made me do everything under the sun. The only good thing about it is, there is a clean house and spottless house


The hat idea was awsome. It was really fun making it and it helped me spend time with my family. It was also fun making it to.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ann Frank

My favorite character in The Diary of Ann Frank is Peter. In the book, he shows a lot of hate aand love. He is always loving to his cat and now Ann. He has shown a lot of hate for Mr.Dussle.Peter is now opening up and talking to people insted of beaing rude to them. Peter reminds me of me. When I was little,I didnt really talk alot. Suprise!!Now, Ill talk to just about anybody. He also resembles me because, he loves his cat likie I love my cat.